Special Event

The power of the Iranian Women’s Protest Movement – Interview with Dr. Haleh Esfandiari

10 November 2022
18:00 - 19:00 CE(S)T

Will Iranian women make history by instigating a revolution? After 43 years of a fundamentalist regime that has suppressed women’s rights and deprived them of the freedom of choice, women have had enough. The death of Mahsa Amini by the ‘Morality Police’ on the 16th of September instigated mass protests all over the country. The protests are driven by young women and supported by men for reasons including wider social discontent. Support for this movement for social justice and human rights has captured hearts across the world.  The anthem of the protest, the song ‘Baraye’ by Shervin Hajipour received 40 million streams on Instagram and 85% of the vote for a grammy award.  https://youtu.be/EFWBmeidgow

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Dr. Haleh Esfandiari, founding Director of the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC, discuss and analyse this historic event. In her native Iran, prior to the Islamic revolution,  Dr. Esfandiari was a journalist and served as deputy secretary general of the Women’s Organization. In 2007 Iranian authorities accused her of being a spy, attempting to instigate a grass-roots revolution in the country. She was arrested and spent 105 days of solitary confinement and gruelling interrogation in Iran’s political prison, Evin.  Her memoir, My Prison, My Home (2009), is an account of that period. She is also the author of several publications including her book Reconstructed Lives: Women and Iran’s Islamic Revolution (1997).

Please join Clair Aghassipour as she interviews Dr. Haleh Esfandiari on the  10 of November at 18.00  about this unprecedented women’s uprising.  Dr. Esfandiari will also draw on her expertise and personal experience to give us insights regarding the past, present and potential future of women in Iran,  and the impact of the uprising on the social and political developments in the country.




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