
DMeetup w/ Anastasia Shevchenko

3 July 2023
12:00 - 13:00 CE(S)T

DMeetup w/ Anastasia Shevchenko

As we approach summer and are looking forward to time with family and friends, we invite you to please add our next DMeetUp to your schedule of exciting events.  On 3 July, at 12:00 noon CET, we invite you to join with Anastasia Shevchenko as she presents “Burning Boats and Building Bridges: The Role of Rituals in the Construction of Cultural Identity”

As an Urban Anthropologist, Anastasia has studied Monaco in depth.  It is one of the smallest countries in the world and, at the same time, Europe’s most ancient monarchy. With only brief intermissions, the House of Grimaldi has guided the nation and the principality since 1297. As Anastasia delved deeper into her ongoing PhD research on Monegasque society, she was constantly met with the question, “Well, how interesting. And by the way, are they more French or Italian?”

In the exploration of culture, understanding how identity is shaped becomes a fascinating endeavor. When it comes to the people of Monaco, there is one ritual that stands out as a significant catalyst in shaping Monégasque national affinity and cultural self-awareness.

I cordially invite you to join Anastasia in delving deeper into this subject and examining how shared rituals contribute to the construction of cultural identity. By bringing together our varied perspectives, we can undoubtedly enhance our collective understanding of this complex intercultural phenomenon. Please join us for an enlightening discussion; we look forward to your presence and insights.

Anastasia Shevchenko is a PhD Candidate in Anthropology. Since 2016, she has served as the founder of the Monegasque training enterprise, “La Classe.” This organization specializes in the development of corporate cultures and identities, honing communication techniques, fostering intercultural relations, and drafting operational standards in the realm of hospitality and tourism. She can be contacted through LinkedIn at:

Please register in advance using the link found in the email sent to SIETAR Europa members on 22 June 2023.

We look forward to seeing you at this fascinating event,

Cindy and Victoria
Direct Members Representatives


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