Developing diversity competence. And why we cannot afford to neglect it.
16 November 2023
19:00 - 20:00 CE(S)T
Diversity competence is a key competence in today’s interconnected world. There is a lot of talk about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in business at the systemic change level i.e., employment policy, renumeration, gender parity in management, etc. Much less attention is paid to building the necessary competences of people in the organizations – so that they are able to implement these in their everyday life and work. We should act on both levels. Because only paired with these competencies do the #DEI systemic change efforts have a chance to bear fruit. No inclusive policy will make a difference unless the people who live and breathe it every day are ready and capable to act on it in every day interactions. And that requires a different set of capabilities. In this session we will explore what are the key elements of diversity competence and how can the TOPOI* model help in equipping people with it – in a business context.
“Diversity competence. Cultures don’t meet, people do” E.Hoffman, A. Verdooren https://www.coutinho.nl/nl/diversity-competence-9789046905982
Magdalena Szumna is an avid advocate of cultural diversity and inclusion and a certified diversity competence and intercultural communication trainer, with an extensive business experience. After 18 years in international organizations, both in local and global roles, the last decade of which she had spent living and working in the Netherlands, she founded Indigo Diversity Consulting (indigodiversity.com). A training and consultancy company offering bespoke learning programs in these areas. By doing so she helps impact driven organizations build and cultivate an open culture of dialogue, integrity and equal opportunities, where people naturally lead better, innovate smarter and thrive longer. Ensuring they have the impact they are striving for.
“In my daily work, I had the opportunity to observe how diversity and intercultural competency – and their lack – affect team performance, sense of belonging and job satisfaction. How much energy could be saved and frustration – avoided were we better prepared to work in today’s diverse world. How much more fun and inclusive relationships with others could it allow us. Hence my motivation to share my experience and knowledge in the field of intercultural communication and diversity competence in business.”
A sociologist and cultural anthropologist by background, and a traveler by nature Magda is passionate about helping people look at themselves and others through a new lens, turning every encounter with diversity into an opportunity for creating an inclusive and equitable environment for everyone.
LinkedIn Magdalena Szumna: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mszumna
Website: indigodiversity.com
Indigo LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/indigo-diversity-consulting/