
Can People ‘Become Japanese’ or Any Nationality for that Matter?

5 December 2022
15:00 - 16:00 CE(S)T

Can People 'Become Japanese' or Any Nationality for that Matter?

We are in for a wonderful discussion with Dr. Adam Komisarof, Professor in Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. Adam has been a SIETAR member in Japan for 25 years.

The title of his presentation is: “Can People ‘Become Japanese,’ or Any Nationality for that Matter?  Looking Through a Lens of Social Markers of Acceptance.”

This afternoon presentation will focus upon the nexus between immigrant acceptance and national identity, a critical global issue of even greater importance with the surge of Ukrainian refugees currently resettling around Europe and beyond.

Adam Komisarof will begin by describing the research about social markers of acceptance done by his global research team. Social markers of acceptance are the criteria used by host country nationals when deciding whether to socially accept migrants as members of their communities.  He will explain not only what these criteria are, but also how these criteria change based upon context.

The talk will begin focused on his personal research in Japan, then expand to include findings in Finland, Canada, Singapore, and Australia.  After a 30-minute presentation, participants will have an interactive discussion about the criteria to decide who is one of “us” that are used in the societies where they live, and how these criteria can be broadened to be made more accepting of
diverse people.

Speaker profile:
Adam Komisarof, PhD, is Professor in Keio University, Faculty of Letters in Tokyo.
He has spent two sabbaticals at the University of Oxford, first as a Visiting Academic at the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies (2012-13), and currently at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS). Professor Komisarof has published 3 books, the newest being Crossing Boundaries and Weaving Intercultural Work, Life, and Scholarship in Globalizing Universities (Routledge, with Zhu Hua), as well as numerous journal articles and book chapters.
As an intercultural trainer, he has performed scores of workshops over the past 25 years for large companies and governmental organizations in the United States, Japan, Southeast Asia, and Europe. Adam has been a member of SIETAR Japan for 25 years. He is also a Fellow and President of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, an academic organization dedicated to advancing research in intercultural studies and intergroup understanding in the world.
Here is the link to Adam’s webpage from his university website:


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