Discuss and Debate

D&D Club #5: Global Mindset. Does it exist?

22 May 2024
15:00 - 15:45 CE(S)T

D&D (Discuss and Debate) club

Question: Global Mindset. Does it exist?

Dear SIETARians,

Those of you who have already experienced our D&D club know that it’s a discussion with an open end. We discuss, agree and disagree and then leave the Zoom space with no ready recipes or unanimously shared conclusions.

If it sounds a good approach for you, join us for D&D #5: “Global Mindset. Does it exist?”

We are meeting on the 22nd of May, at 3 p.m. CET.

To participate, please, register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUodO2gqTwvG9z9sAG2sra66G-tcQ65Md

D&D (Discuss and Debate) club is an up to 45-minute free-flow open-ended exchange that allows participants to state opinions, agree or disagree, negotiate and hopefully (but not necessarily) reconcile opposite standpoints.

See you and warm wishes,
Victoria Spashchenko,
a D&D club space holder


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