Discuss and Debate

D&D Club #4: Dimensions we use for intercultural education and training

19 April 2024
15:00 - 15:45 CE(S)T

D&D (Discuss and Debate) club

Question: Dimensions we use for intercultural education and training; are they ‘more helpful’ or ‘more unhelpful’?

Dear SIETARians,

At our D&D club #3, we discussed if empathy was a talent or a skill. Most of the participants answered “both”. And I discovered that I should learn to formulate questions better! If I only add one word “primarily” we might have had more opposite views.

So, I will try with D&D #4 on the 19th of April, at 3 p.m. CET. “Dimensions we use for intercultural education and training; are they ‘more helpful’ or ‘more unhelpful’?” Be ready to formulate your view on dimensions and benefit from the variety of opinions!

To participate, please, register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAscOmorT8iGtWIyVG3zwYUCWLsJ4nwkwAB

D&D (Discuss and Debate) club is an up to 45-minute free-flow exchange that allows participants to state opinions, agree or disagree, negotiate and hopefully (but not necessarily) reconcile opposite standpoints.

Looking forward to seeing you again!

Best wishes,
Victoria Spashchenko,
a D&D club space holder


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