Capacity Building Meetup

You wonder how the publications of you and your members could gain more visibility in the intercultural field? There is great written content being created in your National SIETAR and you look for a way to make it public? Are you looking to share your knowledge with fellow interculturalists and to interact more with the SIETAR community?

24 March 2022
13:00 - 14:00 CE(S)T

You wonder how the publications of you and your members could gain more visibility in the intercultural field? There is great written content being created in your National SIETAR and you look for a way to make it public? Are you looking to share your knowledge with fellow interculturalists and to interact more with the SIETAR community?

Then, you should check out SIETAR Europa’s new rolling platform “Curiously Intercultural”, an audience-driven platform for the SIETAR community and beyond. The platform builds on the work of the former SIETAR Europa Journal and went live in January 2022.Audience-driven means driven by you, our members and fellow interculturalists! We look to promote an exchange among the interculturally curious and warmly invite you to become a part of this exchange and to share your intercultural experiences, ideas and research.Learn more about the platform and how your National SIETAR can benefit from it in our next Capacity Building Meeting, partnering with Ann Kristen Torkler, chair of SEU’s Member Benefits Committee.

When and where: Thursday March 24th, 13:00-14:00, in Zoom.

Target audience: Communication reps, content managers, editors, Board Members of National SIETARs and SEU.

Registration: Board and active members of National SIETARs can register through their SIETAR Europa representative.


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