Dear SIETARians,
We are happy to inform you that a pilot version of IncluKIT is now out and available online.
IncluKIT – Inclusive Intercultural Communication Training Kit for Initial Reception of Migrants – is a training tool aimed at the whole spectrum of volunteers and professionals involved in the initial reception of newly arrived migrants, including the people who seek asylum and refugees in European countries. As a result of a partnership between academics from six universities of the FORTHEM alliance and practitioners from SIETAR Europa, SIETAR Switzerland, SIETAR UK, the SIETAR SIG Migration and diversophy®, it focuses on the analysis of mismatched expectations and misunderstandings during the migrants’ transitional phase and the ways to overcome these issues.
IncluKIT has been built on multiple case studies of rapport sensitive incidents of professionals and volunteers working in reception of migrants, and particularly with people who seek asylum and refugees. By transposing typical situations into case stories that can be easily imagined and playfully explored to induce reflexivity, this tool allows all parties involved in the training process to develop mutual understanding and increase intersubjectivity.
Comprising standalone case studies, IncluKIT is designed to help small groups of participants through a series of tasks and assignments to understand and dwell upon the complexities of intercultural dialogue, either under the supervision of a facilitator or independently. As a result of the group discussions followed by a formal debriefing, the participants will be able to better acknowledge the issues migrants encounter and address their needs in a more efficient way.
IncluKIT is available free of charge and can be downloaded from the dedicated website. The training materials can be used as the trainers and volunteers see fit, subject to the terms outlined in the Creative Commons licence and professional and ethical standards.
As we transition to the second phase of the project, we are working on the translation of the kit into different languages and collection of additional rapport-sensitive situations for gamification. Should you wish to test the training kit and share your experiences and feedback with the IncluKIT team, we will be happy to hear from you and consider the information you provided to further improve the kit. And if you are interested in joining our team and contributing to future developments and improvements of the kit, you are most welcome to do so by reaching out to us.
The IncluKIT team