At the 2022 SIETAR Europa Congress, we were invited to Re-think Interculturalism, to challenge what we have known and learned from a Western Educated Industrial Rich and Democratic (WEIRD) perspective. This year’s Virtual Institute invites us to move deeper into those conversations to discuss how intercultural educators, trainers and researchers can move towards a more globally inclusive perspective.
The Virtual Institute will explore this theme through the lens of our core pillars: education, training and research.
Our intercultural work continues to intersect with justice, equity, diversity and inclusion work so can we or should we continue to only rely on WEIRD research tools and resources? Postcolonialism invites us to question a new more inclusive and less WEIRD approach to our work.
Throughout the Virtual Institute, participants will explore new non-WEIRD perspectives and challenge the future and our approach to interculturalism with greater global inclusion.
- Research (MC1): For professionals in or interested in research and research practices
- Education (MC2): For professionals in or interested in intercultural education at all levels of learning
- Training (MC3): For professionals in or interested in intercultural training in all sectors
Each Master Class Track includes three Sessions, each with a different focus area. They are:
- Session 1 – Research: In this session, guest experts will share their research and its implications based upon the track.
- Session 2 – Practice: In this session, guest experts will share best practices with the track.
- Session 3 – Future Implications: In this session, this Master Class cohort will work with a facilitator to discuss and consider the future implications of their learning within the track.
During the Virtual Institute, the Africa and Gamification SIGs will host events that feature the work, and engage participants in a variety of games, activities, and dialogues. The SIG networking events will be OPEN TO ALL SIG MEMBERS.
Opening Session
Shifting from WEIRD to Embracing Hybridity
Pascal da Rocha
23 June
Closing Session
Dipo Fayolin
7 July
Pre-Festival Master Classes
8 June – 19 June
SEVIFEST FilmFest for Kids!
18 June
24 June
1 July
8 July
SaFe: Art Bridging Cultures and Nations
23 June
SaFe: Art and Sustainability
30 June
SaFe: Award Winners Celebration
7 July
Networking with SIG Gamification
Addressing Surging Populism and Promoting Decolonization through Gamification
George Simons
5 July
MC1: Research
For professionals in or interested in research and research practices
Moderated by Annelie Wambeek
Master Class 1.1: Research
Feminist Approaches to Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Unsettling Research, Methods, and Theory
Ghassan Moussawi
26 June
Master Class 1.2: Practice
A postcolonial perspective on epistemic harm and the indigeneity of social scientific theories
Pradeep Chakkarath
27 June
Master Class 1.3: Future Implications
Towards Critical Intercultural Communication
Eila Isotalus
28 June
MC2: Education
For professionals in or interested in intercultural education at all levels of learning
Moderated by Bernd Gibson
Master Class 2.1: Research
“Change at the Root”: Liberating the Colonised Mind
Pritima Chainani-Barta
29 June
Master Class 2.2: Practice
Elevating non-WEIRD voices: Integrating non-Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic perspectives into higher education
Varina Michaels
30 June
Master Class 2.3: Future Implications
Natasha Aruliah
3 July
MC3: Training
For professionals in or interested in intercultural training in all sectors
Moderated by Grant Douglas
Master Class 3.1: Research
Ishita Ray, Emre Seven
4 July
Master Class 3.2: Practice
How women lead in Asia
Aarti Kelshikar
5 July
Master Class 3.3: Future Implications
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel
6 July
During the Virtual Institute, we challenge everyone to focus on decluttering and organizing their digital lives to reduce our electricity consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We aim to create awareness of the big environmental footprint of IT.

Annelie Wambeek
Master Class 1

Bernd Gibson
Master Class 2

Grant Douglas
Master Class 3

Papa Balla Ndong
Film & Arts Festival

Barbara Covarrubias Venegas
Film and Arts Festival
A bi-annual online FILM FESTIVAL event born to promote interculturality by creating awareness of social, cultural and human rights issues through Intercultural Cinema.
An ARTS FESTIVAL aiming to support the dissemination and promotion of intercultural Education, Training and Research through Intercultural Arts.
VI2023 Team
VI Coordinator: Papa Balla Ndong
VI Committee: Grant Douglas, Annelie Wambeek, Tamara Thorpe
VI Speaker Coordinator: Lidia Wisniewska
Supported by
SIETAR Europa IT Services and Communications Committee