Discuss and Debate

NEW! Discuss and Debate Club

24 January 2024
15:00 - 15:45 CE(S)T

Dear SIETARians,

A new year – a new initiative!

In January let’s experiment with a new meeting format – D&D (Discuss and Debate) club. This platform allows participants to state opinions, agree or disagree, negotiate and hopefully (but not necessarily) reconcile opposite standpoints.

D&D is a free-flow 45-minute exchange, with no presentations but just a quick case to kick off the discussion.

On the 24th of January at 3 p.m. CET we question If interculturalists have unlearned to argue and debate

If interested, please, register at  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpdeCsqTssHdWOXLFW8k-XLG7g-o_1-_OL

Looking forward to experimenting together,


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